Episode 2

Episode #2 Nolan O'Neal | Why every business needs a CRM?

In this episode of "The Queen of Automation," host Meghan and guest Nolan delve into the world of technology, business, and work-life integration. Nolan O'Neill, owner and co-founder of Accuxcel CPA, shares his insights into the challenges and opportunities of managing a business while maintaining a balanced lifestyle. The discussion focuses on the importance of communication in the client service experience, the role of customer relationship management (CRM) systems in streamlining operations, and the shift from transactional to relational accounting services.

Key Points:

- Work-life Integration: Nolan O'Neill emphasizes the need for work-life integration, highlighting the value of balancing work commitments with personal and family priorities.

- Client Communication: The challenge of managing client communication, particularly during busy seasons, is discussed, along with the potential benefits of a centralized system for tracking and responding to client inquiries.

- CRM Solutions: Meghan introduces the concept of CRM systems as a potential solution to streamline customer communication, facilitate two-way interaction, and automate task management.

- Business Services: Nolan explains the client-centered approach of Accuxcel CPA, focusing on ongoing support, tax planning, and outsourced accounting and CFO services for businesses.

- Personal Anecdote: Meghan shares her personal experience as a business owner and highlights the need for external expertise in financial and accounting matters.

Special Guest:

Nolan O'Neill, Owner and Co-founder, of Accuxcel CPA

Website: www.accuxelcpa.com

LinkedIn: Nolan O'Neill

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The Queen of Automation
The Queen of Automation
Technology is only good when it works.

About your hosts

Profile picture for Meghan Donnelly

Meghan Donnelly

She’s the owner and founder of The Digital Unicorns, a small digital operations agency that helps multi-6-figure businesses streamline and optimize their digital experience with automated systems and tools. She’s also the brains and the chaos behind The Queen of Automation. Meghan has over 15 years in the digital operations industry, with a ton of experience and geeky expertise to share. As a business owner with ADHD, automation changed her life, and she loves sharing techy tips and tricks with other entrepreneurs.
Profile picture for Jada Biggs

Jada Biggs

She's the Producer & Video Creator, that helps to brings The Queen of Automation to life. She creates video series for service-based entrepreneurs. And guess what? She's doing it all from the stunning island of Jamaica.
Profile picture for Kristen Strickler

Kristen Strickler

Kristen is the head of storytelling and a copy ninja who works behind the scenes at The Digital Unicorns and The Queen of Automation. She helps tame the chaos and bring Meghan’s story to life. She loves learning new tech tips and tricks from Meghan and then writing about them so others can learn, too. When she’s not writing, she’s chasing her two toddlers around.